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Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing to complain about an article in last

Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing to complain about an article in last
Monday’s newspaper, “Schools fail low-income children.” As the head teacher of one of the largest junior high schools in the city, I feel strongly that the article does not describe our school.
My school has children from many diferent economic backgrounds, but a large percentage come from lower­income families. Nevertheless, our tests show that the children do well and benefit from the excellent work our teachers do. Last year our school moved from 24th to 5th place according to the official assessment by the state government. This is clearly not the “failure” that the article suggests.
I would strongly recommend that more careful research should be conducted in the future so that your newspaper will more realistically describe the true situation in our schools.

Yours sincerely.
Joan Gonzalez

(1) The letter shows Ms. Gonzalez’s strong disagreement with the newspaper’s claim that....
   A.   children from low­ income families do not perform well in the official assessment
   B.    the poor students in her school fail in the national examination
   C.    her school only admit students from economically advantaged families
   D.   many of her students fail because of their parents’ low income
   E.    low­income children are not as good as high­income children
Klaim surat kabar tersebut bahwa “Schools fail low-income children” = Sekolah-sekolah tidak meluluskan anak-anak dari orang tua yang berpenghasilan rendah. Klaim ini berarti low- income children are not as good as high-income children (Anak-anak dari orang tua yang berpenghasilan rendah tidak sebagus anak-anak dari orang tua yang berpenghasilan tinggi)

Jawaban: E

(2) What is expected by Joan Gonzales from Monday’s newspaper?
   A.   To present information based on facts.
   B.    To conduct more research.
   C.    To fix the information given.
   D.   To explain more about that school.
   E.    To be responsible for the report.

Di dalam teks terdapat rekomendasi dari Joan Gonzales: more careful research should be conducted in the future.

Jawaban: B

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